Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Life and school throw a lot of different tests my way. The school tests are much easier than the life tests, by far. I had two tests today at school, actually. I had a math test at 8am. Kill me. Omg I'm telling you it took every muscle in my body to get me out of bed for that test. But I went and took it, I'll see how good (or bad) I did on it later. Then at 11am I had my sociology test. Well, God decided to bless me for at least a few minutes today and my teacher didn't show up to give us the test. So he left instructions for us to take it home and then bring it back Monday. Thisssss girl is happy bout that. But me and my friend Allison already took it and we know we made 100's on it!! So I'm happy! Now off to look at houses with mom so we can get outta the grandparents nest.

Side note: thought nana had done something with my biotin and I almost freaked out. But turns out she just moved it. No biggie. :)

Okay I'm done talkin bout nothing now. K byeeee.

- Taylor

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